
Toggle Clasps

Toggle clasps (T-bar closures) offer a touch of class! Use as a lariat-style focal, or a traditional clasp on necklaces and bracelets. Wholesale price options.

Toggle clasps (also called T-bar closures) offer a touch of class! Use as a clasp on a traditional necklace designs, or feature at the front of necklaces as a lariat closure. Toggles are popular for bracelet designs too, because they're easier to manipulate with one hand than many other clasp styles. Choose from a large variety of base metal finishes, including bright metals, antiqued (distressed) varieties and copper. Precious-metal options include sterling silver, gold filled and (sometimes) silver filled. (more info about jewelry-making materials)

Toggle Clasp Hints

To help make sure your toggle clasps can easily be opened and closed, and no one loses one of your creations:

  1. The last few beads you put near the "T" part of the clasp should be small, or use a short section of chain or other pretty link components. This makes sure the bar can be pulled all the way all the way through the ring (making the clasp easier to close).
  2. When using toggle clasps for bracelets, the bracelet must fit the customer fairly well. If the bracelet is too loose, a short toggle bar might wiggle itself out of its loop. Longer bars can help solve the problem, but won't eliminate it. To easily re-size your bracelets to your customers' or gift recipients' wrists, you might want to use a few chain links at one end, or both ends, between the clasp and the last beads.

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